ยี่ห้อ : YAMAHA
รุ่น : Q2031B
ราคาปกติ :  34,000.00 บาท      
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31 Band Stereo Graphic Equalizer Range select HPF 2U
รายละเอียดทั้งหมด :

YAMAHA Q2031B 31 Band Stereo Graphic Equalizer Range select HPF 2U 

Affordable Professional Graphic EQ

Graphic equalization is indispensable for response control in a wide range of audio applications. If you need one or more stand-alone graphic EQ units, the Yamaha Q2031B is an outstanding choice that delivers professional quality with versatile control and outstanding audio performance. Use the Q2031B for live sound, recording, A/V production, electronic musical instruments, broadcasting, music listening, or any other application that requires precise response tailoring.

The Q2031B features two independent channels of graphic EQ with full 31-band control over the 20Hz to 20kHz range.
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